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Platti al Primo restaurant in lecce

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant has mixed reviews. While some diners find the experience a bit disappointing compared to other Michelin star restaurants, others praise the exceptional journey of new aromas and flavors offered by the restaurant.
  • Sweetbreads and Eggplant Entrees

    - these dishes have been appreciated by many reviewers for their unique flavors and excellent preparation. They are deeply rooted in tradition and offer a great start to the meal.
  • Tasting Menu

    - the 7-course tasting menu is superb and well-designed, offering a variety of refined and balanced flavors without making diners feel too full or unsatisfied.
  • Shrimp Dish

    - this dish has been singled out for its fantastic taste and presentation. It is a must-try for seafood lovers.
  • Pasta with Squid

    - despite some disappointment with other pasta dishes, the pasta with squid has been praised for its sublime execution.
  • Raw Gallipoli Prawns

    - this dish is part of the restaurant's remarkable cuisine that combines audacity and precision. It is highly recommended by visitors who appreciate creative food.
  • Tomato Sorbet

    - this dish is an example of the restaurant's innovative approach to using traditional, local ingredients. It offers a refreshing twist to the dining experience.
  • - the tiramisu at this restaurant is pretty good and worth trying as a dessert.
  • - the wine list is varied and focuses on local sourcing. Some may not complement the dishes fully, but the overall pairing was described as perfect.