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Platti al La Ringhiera

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as excellent and very fair, with multiple mentions of the prices being honest and the value for money being great. However, there were some complaints about the pizza being too salty or watery, and one review mentioned the bottom of the pizza was overcooked.
  • Margherita Pizza

    - despite some reviews mentioning an unusual addition of spicy sausage, many customers praised it for its taste and freshness.
  • Filthy Pizza

    - described as a 'pizza show' and called 'simply exceptional' by one reviewer, this pizza seems to be a must-try.
  • Bufalina Pizza

    - along with Margherita, it was mentioned in a positive context, hinting at its good quality.
  • - highly recommended by a customer who enjoyed them while waiting for their pizza.
  • - the service of asking whether the customers wanted their beers immediately or when the pizza arrived was appreciated, indicating the beer might be worth trying.
  • Babá

    - one customer claimed it was possibly the best they've ever had.