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Platti al Pizzeria "Nuova Santa Lucia"

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most reviewers found the prices to be fair given the quality of food, although some found it slightly expensive. Overall, the price/quality ratio is seen as above average.
  • - many reviewers have praised the pizza for its quality and taste, with some even calling it the best in Brescia. The dough is described as fragrant and digestible, and one specific recommendation is Sandro's Octopus Pizza.
  • Fish dishes

    - the restaurant's fish offerings are highlighted as being fresh and high-quality. The octopus dish, served on crunchy vegetables, is particularly recommended.
  • Soute of Mussels and Clams

    - this dish has been mentioned as being up to par, indicating a good standard of seafood preparation.
  • Mixed Fried Food

    - this dish received positive feedback from a reviewer, suggesting it is worth trying.
  • - although described as merely acceptable, it might be worth trying if you're a fan of risotto.
  • Red Beer

    - one user specifically mentioned the red beer as being truly delicious, making it a beverage worth trying.
  • Desserts

    - while no specific dessert was mentioned, the wide choice available was noted as a positive aspect of the restaurant.