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Platti al Pizzeria Da Zorma

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent by visitors. Affordable and delicious pizzas seem to be the highlight of this pizzeria.
  • - a huge portion of this classic pizza with a great value for money.
  • Tonno Pizza

    - another delicious pizza topped with tuna and olives.
  • Artichoke Pizza

    - a takeaway delight, large enough to fill two people.
  • Diavola Pizza

    - a normal-sized pizza with a spicy kick, recommended for those who love a bit of heat.
  • Romana Pizza

    - topped with anchovies, this pizza offers a unique taste.
  • Pizza Maxi

    - a very large pizza, praised for its affordability and the friendly service.
  • Custom-made Pizza

    - the restaurant offers the opportunity to create your own pizza, providing excellent value for money.