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Platti al Panificio San Placido

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent, offering high-quality food at very reasonable prices. It is particularly appreciated for its value aranchini and is considered the best allergy-friendly bakery in Sicily.
  • - delicious and freshly made, especially recommended is the ricotta cannoli.
  • - best in the city, with a special mention to the arancina with ragù and the Burro arancini. Both are hot, fragrant and reasonably priced.
  • Spring Onion and Cartocciata

    - soft dough and well filled, available with different fillings such as mushrooms and aubergines.
  • Rame di Napoli

    - a chocolate flavored dessert described as an infinite ecstasy.
  • Raviola alla Ricotta

    - a sensory delight, highly recommended.
  • - excellent quality and very tasty.
  • Friarelli, Tuama Potatoes and Mushrooms Dish

    - exceptional taste and quality.
  • Super Stuffed Focaccias

    - delicacies that are worth trying.
  • - great food options, with a special mention for the pizza pie which is good for tourists.
  • - good variety and quality. The almond pasticcini and S shaped biscuits are particularly recommended.
  • Fresh Pies

    - available with spinach, broccoli, potato and ham fillings, they are wonderful and fresh.
  • Marzipan Lambs

    - beautiful and delicious, especially during Easter.