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Platti al Osteria Vinàlia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent. The food is of high quality and the prices are very fair. Despite some comments about smaller portion sizes, the overall experience is highly positive.
  • Appetizer Tastings

    - the owner serves small plates of appetizers made with local, seasonal, fresh, and quality products. A good way to start the meal.
  • First Courses

    - the first courses come highly recommended, described as 'fit for a king'.
  • Orecchiette with Tomato

    - this pasta dish is one of their specialties, and it comes with a mix of meats.
  • Mix of Meat

    - a variety of meats are served, which are said to be quite good.
  • Local Specialties

    - the restaurant offers the best local specialties, served by friendly and competent staff.
  • Grigliata Mista

    - this mixed grill dish is highly praised and is a must-try for meat lovers.

Piatti e bevande a Osteria Vinàlia


torte semifreddo pasticceria tiramisù mousse


liquore cordiale vino vino della casa limoncello limonata pastis assenzio sherry secco sherry caffè caffè macchiato


antipasto pasta pesce coda di rospo carne brodo minestra hackepeter terrina paté ricotta formaggio pizza focaccia kacamak spaghetti pangasio cornish pasty omelettes frittata meze aglio aglio e olio caponata completo salsiccia insalate panzanella salsa zucchine guarnite filetto americano salsicce pollo pollame bruschetta al pomodoro frittelle vada crostata