Però Menu

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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
However, some reviews mentioned that the pizzas can sometimes be undercooked or rubbery, and there were complaints about the prices being too high. The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as poor by some visitors due to the high prices and inconsistent quality of the food.
  • Gluten-free pizza

    - many reviewers praised the variety and quality of the gluten-free pizzas. They are said to be light, well-stuffed, and come in many imaginative flavors.
  • Pizza with roasted tomatoes

    - one user specifically mentioned loving this pizza.
  • Fried foods

    - these are highly recommended by several users, including the gluten-free options.
  • Arrosticini (Italian skewered meat)

    - a few reviews mentioned these as part of their meal and seemed satisfied.
  • Gourmet sandwiches

    - although not detailed, one reviewer mentioned enjoying these.
  • Stuffed olives

    - these were specifically mentioned by a user who appreciated the restaurant's gluten-free and lactose-free options.
  • Pizza senza glutine con verdure (Gluten-free pizza with vegetables)

    - this was listed as a good vegetarian option.
  • Pizza con forno a legna (Wood-fired pizza)

    - praised for its taste, this is another pizza option that was liked by customers.