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Platti al Osteria Bertoliana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally considered excellent, with many reviewers noting that the prices are reasonable or even low for the quality and quantity of food served. However, a few reviewers suggested that there might be better alternatives at the same price point in Vicenza.
  • Gnocchi with Pulped Cheese

    - this first course is a traditional dish that has been praised for its authenticity and deliciousness.
  • Omelette with Salad Leaves

    - a light yet satisfying second course, offering a balance of protein and greens.
  • Cheese Starter with Pear and Honey

    - a unique combination of flavors, this starter is a must-try for cheese lovers.
  • Fresh Pasta

    - praised for its freshness and flavor, this is a staple dish at the restaurant. There are also vegetarian options available.
  • Main Dish with Squid Ink

    - although one reviewer found it salty, this dish could be an interesting choice for seafood lovers.
  • Local Wines

    - the restaurant offers an impressive selection of local wines, many of which are natural and organic.