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Platti al l'oste di tremestieri

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant has mixed reviews. Some users find it a bit pricey but average, while others think the prices are more than fair for what the restaurant offers. A few users feel the prices are exaggerated for the quality of the dishes.
  • Pasta e Carne

    - the pasta and meat dishes have been highly recommended by several users for their taste and quality.
  • Grandma's Meat and Salad

    - this dish has been praised for its generous portions and excellent taste.
  • - the steak at this restaurant is described as amazing, making it a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Tomato Salad

    - paired with Sicilian red wine, the tomato salad is said to be the best ever by one user.
  • Rustic Appetizer of the House

    - despite the high prices, the appetizer is appreciated for its taste.
  • Lactose-Free Cheesecake

    - for those with lactose intolerance, the restaurant offers a delicious lactose-free cheesecake.

Piatti e bevande a l'oste di tremestieri

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

personale amichevole ottima posizione tavoli all'aperto colazione cena pranzo


liquore cordiale vino vino della casa caffè americano grappa caffè macchiato sherry sherry secco pastis assenzio limonata


carne pasta antipasto salsiccia ricotta pasta cacio e pepe caponata bistecche manzo tagliatelle pizza minestra brodo salsicce formaggio insalate carne-de-sol bacon spaghetti risotto pesce coda di rospo maiale kacamak parmigiana di melanzane cornish pasty provola speck causa completo filetto americano fatteh cotolette meze