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Platti al Onda Blu Ristorante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered excellent, although some customers found the service to be lacking.
  • Antipasto di pesce alla carta

    - the seafood appetizer comes highly recommended as it is excellently prepared.
  • Gran Crudo

    - this dish is described as a masterpiece, suggesting that it's a must-try for any seafood lover.
  • Fresh fish

    - the restaurant is praised for its excellently cooked and uniquely presented fresh fish dishes.
  • Fried cuttlefish

    - this dish is highly praised, with one customer describing it as very good.
  • - one customer found the risotto to be impeccable, making it a worthy choice.
  • "Roots" tasting menu

    - this menu comes highly recommended, hinting at a variety of delicious dishes.
  • Frittura

    - despite being described as tasteless, the dish was well-prepared, implying that it could be worth trying for those who prefer lightly seasoned food.
  • Desserts

    - the desserts are described as super tasty, indicating a sweet finish to your meal.
  • - the restaurant boasts an excellent selection of wines, suggesting a perfect pairing for every dish.
  • - even the coffee is said to be excellent, making it a great option for after-dinner drinks.

Piatti e bevande a Onda Blu Ristorante

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

anniversario pranzo buon servizio cena tavoli all'aperto ottima posizione


che torte gelato yogurt mousse plum cake millefoglie gelato cantucci dolcetti


vino cordiale liquore champagne cappuccino grappa prosecco caffè sherry sherry secco caffè espresso rum brandy