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Platti al Osteria Del Monsignore

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent value for money by most visitors.
  • Cod on Tomato Cream

    - this dish is a standout among the appetizers, noted for its excellence.
  • Tenderloin and Cheek

    - both of these second courses have been cooked to perfection and are highly recommended.
  • Homemade Pasta

    - a staple that shines in its execution.
  • Meat Dishes

    - the meat at this restaurant is so tender and delicious, it's hard to find a match elsewhere.
  • Desserts

    - multiple reviews praise the desserts, indicating they are a must-try.
  • Gnocchi with Asparagus and Parmesan

    - a simple yet delicious dish.
  • Braised Dishes

    - these dishes are well-received and highly recommended.
  • Rabbit Ravioli

    - this is a unique and tasty dish that comes highly recommended.
  • Pigeon

    - an unusual choice that has received excellent reviews.
  • Vegetarian Options

    - the restaurant offers really good vegetarian options.

Piatti e bevande a Osteria Del Monsignore

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

ottima posizione buon servizio cena tavoli all'aperto atmosfera accogliente pranzo


che pancakes crepes mousse torte creme brulee semifreddo budino di uova cheesecake soufflé


vino liquore cordiale chianti caffè espresso calvados brandy caffè whisky limonata vino bianco grappa vino della casa


dukkah pasta carne ravioli carpaccio antipasto cannelloni pesce ricotta brodo filetto di manzo focaccia lasagne maiale bistecche pasta alle oliva salsa tagliata di manzo kacamak gnocchi formaggio ragù tagliatelle hackepeter parmigiana di melanzane gorgonzola coda di rospo gnocchi al gorgonzola carne-de-sol parmigiano minestra anatra melanzane alla parmigiana meze pollame parmo di Teesside filetto americano costolette completo