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Platti al Nón Lá Vietnamese Kitchen Spalenbrunnen

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio is generally rated as good. Some customers find the prices rather high, but agree that the quality of the food justifies it. The restaurant is also recognized for its quality service.
  • Red Curry with Chicken and Fried Rice

    - a highly recommended dish, praised for its great taste.
  • Pho Soup with Beef

    - recognized as a world-class dish by one of the visitors, it's a must-try at this Vietnamese restaurant.
  • - another delightful curry dish that has earned high praise from customers.
  • Fried Rice with Curry and Duck

    - a good and inexpensive option for early lunch.
  • Vegetarian Dishes

    - the restaurant offers a wide range of meat-free options.
  • Cocktails

    - complimented for their great taste, they are a nice addition to any meal.
  • - despite mixed reviews, some customers still recommend trying them.