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Platti al Biergarten Mönchshof Ristorante Pizzeria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as good, with one reviewer mentioning they had a satisfying meal for less than 40 euros.
  • - multiple reviewers praised the pizza, noting its originality and variety. However, one reviewer found it to be dry and poorly digested.
  • - the goulash was mentioned as a standout dish that is worth trying.
  • Meats cooked at low temperatures

    - these dishes were specifically praised for their excellence.
  • The shank

    - this dish was recommended for its generous portions and excellent taste.
  • Rosti

    - though not freshly prepared, it was still considered enjoyable.
  • Frying pan with three types of frankfurters, potatoes, onions

    - this was noted as a good choice by one of the guests.
  • - the restaurant offers a wide selection of beers, which were highly praised by many reviewers.

Piatti e bevande a Biergarten Mönchshof Ristorante Pizzeria