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Platti al Marzio Bistrot

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as great for the quality of the food, despite some comments about small portions for certain dishes.
  • - highly recommended by multiple visitors, it seems to be a staple at this restaurant.
  • Cod Appetizer

    - described as delicious and plentiful, it's substantial enough to be used as a main course.
  • - both the calamari dish and pasta with calamari received positive feedback.
  • - praised for being good and exceptional, they seem to be a popular choice.
  • Vegan Truffle Gnocchi

    - even non-vegan guests were impressed by this dish.
  • Desserts

    - the classic tiramisu, pannacotta and an unspecified dessert that was described as spectacular and very abundant are worth trying.
  • St Peter's Fillet

    - this dish was described as fabulous, making it an interesting choice.
  • Octopus Tentacles

    - despite the criticism about the small portions and high price, the dish was described as excellent.
  • Drinks

    - both the wine selection and spritz received high praise. The recommended sparkling wine did not disappoint.