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Platti al Martinucci Lecce

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Mixed reviews. Some customers consider the prices a little high or skyrocketed, while others believe that you pay for the quality of the food served.
  • Pasticciotto

    - this is a highly recommended pastry, described as unsurpassed and always a guarantee with various flavors. It's served at the right temperature with a crumbly dough and sweet, caressing cream.
  • Rustico

    - highly praised by visitors, this savory pastry is a must-try.
  • - the restaurant serves excellent coffee, perfect to accompany pasticciotto or other pastries. Caffè Leccese is particularly recommended.
  • - these are described as truly delicious especially when ordered for breakfast.
  • Aperitifs

    - the restaurant is a good place for aperitifs, offering a beautiful location.
  • Lemon and Orange Juice

    - a refreshing option praised by one of the customers.
  • - opinions about the ice cream are mixed, but some customers find it very good and amazing.
  • Hot Chocolate with Cream

    - although one visitor was disappointed with the presentation, it might still be worth trying.
  • - all cakes ordered were described as outstanding and extremely delicious.
  • Calzoni

    - approved by visitors for their quality.