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Platti al Ristorante Le Spigolatrici

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as fair. They find the food to be excellent, high-quality, and worth the cost.
  • Goose Breast

    - a standout dish that was specifically mentioned in the reviews. It seems to be well-prepared and delicious.
  • Tortelli and Fresh Pasta

    - the restaurant is praised for its traditional dishes, with fresh pasta being highlighted.
  • Sweet and Sour Vegetables

    - this dish is part of the restaurant's traditionally cooked menu and it's worth trying for those who enjoy vegetables.
  • Cold Cuts (Salumi)

    - another traditional dish that's recommended, especially for meat lovers.
  • Beef Fillets (Filetti di Manzo)

    - the restaurant offers this as a second course and it's noted for its quality.
  • Braised Meats

    - another second course option that's worth trying based on the reviews.
  • Roast Piglet (Arrosto di Maialino)

    - this dish is also recommended as a second course, particularly for those who enjoy pork.
  • Sweet and Sour Peppers (Peperoni in Agrodolce)

    - this side dish stands out among the various options available.
  • Capon Salad alla Bartolomeo Stefani

    - this is a unique salad option that's worth trying.