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Platti al Albergo Ristorante La Poiana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as normal to high, with some indicating that the quality and location justify the price. The food and drinks are generally considered to be very good.
  • - the staff has a knack for recommending excellent wines that could easily become your favorite.
  • - while some found it charred, others enjoyed it. It seems to be a hit-or-miss dish.
  • Desserts

    - according to one review, the desserts are particularly good.
  • Sdruciolata alla Crema

    - a local dish that comes highly recommended for its exquisite taste.
  • - reviews indicate it's mediocre, but it might still be worth trying.
  • Prima

    - this dish is noted as very good.
  • Sausage and Arrosticini

    - these dishes are highly recommended for their tasty flavors.