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Platti al La Piccola Ciaccineria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as very good, with many comments about the reasonable prices and high-quality ingredients.
  • Maxi Ciaccines filled with cooked ham and mozzarella

    - these are highly recommended by many visitors, known for their generous fillings and great taste.
  • Finocchiona Pizza

    - a popular choice amongst pizza lovers, it's praised for its unique taste.
  • Crema Di Melanzane Pizza

    - this pizza is mentioned for its excellent flavor, a must-try for eggplant lovers.
  • Pecorino and Mozzarella Pizza

    - another pizza variant that has received positive reviews.
  • Truffle Pizza

    - a French visitor particularly enjoyed this pizza, indicating its quality and deliciousness.
  • Ciaccino Senese

    - this particular ciaccino has been specifically mentioned as a success.
  • Ham and Onion Ciaccino

    - this combination was loved by customers, making it a must-try.
  • Pizza by the slice or large/small pie

    - the flexibility in size options is appreciated by visitors.
  • - these were surprisingly mentioned as delicious, a good side to accompany your pizza or ciaccino.

Piatti e bevande a La Piccola Ciaccineria