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Platti al La Piadina d’Oro

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as average. Some visitors found the bill a bit higher than expected, but considering the quality of the food, it seems reasonable.
  • Burgerppiadina

    - a unique combination of a beef burger wrapped in handmade piada. The dish is highly recommended for its innovative idea and quality ingredients.
  • - these are a must-try. They are simply delicious and come in many variations, making it an interesting choice every time.
  • Stuffed Piadina

    - another variation of the traditional piadina, this stuffed version is highly recommended for its excellent taste.
  • Rolled Piadina

    - this is a great alternative to a usual sandwich. It offers many variations, adding an element of surprise to your meal.
  • Pecorino Cream

    - although there was a mishap with the order, the reviewer found the pecorino cream to be excellent.
  • Piadaburger

    - this is another unique dish that combines the traditional piadina with a burger. It's a great choice for those looking for something different.
  • Nutella Ravioli

    - this sweet treat is a perfect end to a meal, offering a delicious blend of chocolate and pasta.
  • Sweet Piadine

    - these sweet versions of the traditional piadina are not to be missed.
  • Fried Piadine and Rotoloni

    - these fried variations of the traditional piadina and rotoloni are worth trying for their unique taste.