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Platti al La Locanda Degli Artisti -Cucina Tipica, Eventi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is mixed. Some visitors found the prices to be proportional to the quality and quantity of food served, while others felt the portions were minimal and the prices high.
  • House Potato Croquettes

    - this starter seems to be a popular choice among visitors.
  • Maccaronara Fresh Tagliatelle with Tomato Sauce

    - this first course dish is highly recommended for its taste and aroma, especially when paired with cotechino.
  • Sliced Beef with Mushrooms and Avellino Truffle

    - the main course of sliced beef is well-liked, particularly when accompanied with escarole.
  • Cake with Chantilly and Orange Cream

    - this dessert was mentioned as a delightful finish to the meal.
  • Cured Meats Platter

    - reviewers praised the quality of the cured meats offered.
  • Wild Boar Ravioli

    - a well-executed dish that some may enjoy based on personal taste.
  • Dishes with Truffles

    - first course dishes featuring truffles were a hit with diners, especially for families.
  • Caciocavallo and Truffle Antipasto

    - this appetizer was highly praised for its fantastic taste.
  • Selections of Salumi and Cheese with Jam

    - another appetizer that was enjoyed by many.
  • Local Red and Blonde Beer

    - the waiter's recommended drinks that were well-received.