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Platti al La Congiura Bisteccheria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally seen as reasonable, with some customers finding it slightly expensive. Prices can vary significantly depending on the wine chosen, but the food is consistently praised for its high quality.
  • Tuscan Ribs

    - these are highly recommended by many visitors for their excellent quality. They're served on a hot plate, and the meat is described as spectacular.
  • Fiorentina Steak

    - this dish is served on a hot stone, allowing customers to complete the cooking of their meat as they wish. It's been praised for its tenderness and flavor.
  • - this dish is widely appreciated for its cleanliness and fast service. The grilled meat is excellent and ideal for beef lovers.
  • Mixed Sides

    - the sides, including beans all'uccelletto and grilled vegetables, are said to be excellent and complement the main dishes well.
  • Baked Focaccia

    - this bread is well-cooked and pairs well with the meat dishes.
  • - the tiramisu is described as heavenly and served in a unique way, making it a must-try dessert.
  • - the restaurant offers a wide choice of wines. However, some customers found certain options not as good as their price suggested.

Piatti e bevande a La Congiura Bisteccheria