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Platti al Italia Steak House

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant has mixed reviews. Some visitors found the prices to be honest and affordable for the quality of food, while others felt that the prices were very high.
  • Picanha

    - this is the main dish and is highly recommended by multiple reviewers. It's described as melting in the mouth, super tender, and full of flavor.
  • Fiorentina alla Pietra

    - a T-bone steak served on a hot stone. It's described as having the best meat quality and being super tender.
  • - these are recommended as an excellent side dish to accompany the meat dishes.
  • Pichagna cooked on Stone

    - another meat dish that is cooked to perfection and highly recommended.
  • - this takeaway dish is described as having exceptional meat that is soft and divinely cooked.
  • Grilled Lamb Cutlets

    - these were described as good, but not as impressive as other dishes.
  • Tagliata

    - exceptional flavor, but some reviewers found it tough and difficult to chew.
  • Salame Cotto con Polenta

    - this dish was described as "not bad."
  • - a dessert option that was described as good.
  • Ichnusa Beer

    - despite a mix-up with the size, this beer is worth trying.
  • Raboso Wine

    - an excellent wine to pair with the meat dishes.
  • - this was described as good and was chosen by several reviewers.