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Platti al Pizzeria Il Cavaliere

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as very good, with high-quality ingredients and fast, friendly service. The prices are considered average and competitive. However, some customers have noted inconsistency in the quality of the pizzas, with occasional issues of over-charred bases or edges.
  • Neapolitan Margherita Pizza

    - a truly superlative pizza at a good price.
  • Pizza al Salame Piccante

    - a delightful dish that was described as a "favola" or fairy tale.
  • Salsiccia e Friarielli Pizza

    - a distinctive pizza with sausage and friariello peppers, though some found it overly charred.
  • Panuozzo

    - highly recommended by visitors for its excellent taste.