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Platti al I Bùgianèn

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered good or fair, although some visitors found it a little expensive. However, most agree that the high-quality food and service make it worth the cost.
  • Boiled Meat

    - this dish is simply spectacular and a must-try, especially for those who like refined food. It is also served as part of the tasting menu.
  • White Truffle Dishes

    - the white truffle dishes are highly recommended, particularly the three-course starter with white truffle which is weighed and agreed upon.
  • Mixed Boiled Meat

    - this is another favorite dish among visitors, especially those with allergies, as the staff is very attentive to such needs.
  • Tagliolini

    - a popular dish among the customers, it is also part of the tasting menu.
  • - served by spoon, this dessert is among the favorites at the restaurant.
  • Egg with Fondue

    - this dish is recommended along with the tagliolini and appetizers.
  • Zabaglione

    - described as being 'from another planet', this dessert is a must-try.
  • Veal with Tuna Sauce

    - this dish is highly praised for its excellent quality.
  • Mixed Fried Food

    - the mixed fried food is very good and comes highly recommended.
  • Trio of Desserts

    - part of the tasting menu, this dessert option is highly rated.
  • Piedmontese Cuisine Dishes

    - any dish from the Piedmontese cuisine is worth trying due to the excellent and tasty preparation.
  • Super Wine

    - highly recommended to pair with the local food.