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Platti al Haus zum Rüden

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as high-end but very good by visitors.
  • Sliced Veal

    - highly recommended by many reviewers, it seems to be one of the best dishes in Zurich.
  • Ribeye Steak with Café de Creme

    - a main course that is unique and flavorful.
  • Zurich Geschnetzeltes with Rösti

    - a traditional Swiss dish that has received high praise from customers.
  • Hamburger with Truffle Sauce

    - an exquisite dish complemented by perfectly crispy fries.
  • Mango Papaya Tartare with Burrata and Chili Cream

    - a refreshing starter that offers an exciting blend of flavors.
  • White Chocolate with Fruit Compote and Basil Ice Cream

    - a dessert that combines sweet and savory elements for a unique finish to a meal.
  • A variety of older wines

    - the restaurant offers a selection of high-quality wines that pair well with their meals.
  • Cold Beer

    - a perfect drink to wash down the delicious food.