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Platti al Habla Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant has high prices, with some dishes deemed not worth the cost (like the paella). However, other reviewers felt the prices were justified by the quality of food and service. Therefore, the price/quality ratio seems to be somewhat controversial among visitors.
  • - reviewers praised the ceviche, noting it was delicious and savory. This dish seems to be a favorite among customers.
  • Tasting Menu

    - the tasting menu is recommended for those who want to explore a variety of flavors. It's mentioned as a gastronomic experience.
  • Patanegra

    - this appetizer was highlighted as delicious. It's a type of cured ham from Spain.
  • Various Tacos

    - the tacos were mentioned positively in the reviews, making them worth trying.
  • Seared Octopus

    - another appetizer that was praised by reviewers.
  • Fresh Oysters

    - the fresh oysters are a must-try according to one reviewer.
  • - this cold soup was also recommended.
  • Cantabrico Anchovies

    - these were suggested as a pleasant entree.
  • Tuna Tartare Tacos

    - these were specifically mentioned as being especially enjoyable.
  • Habla Chevice with Ombrina

    - this dish was described as superb.
  • Seafood Paella

    - despite some issues with the paella, one reviewer still found their seafood paella divine.
  • Desserts

    - the desserts were also praised by reviewers.