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Platti al Grotta Gino

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, it seems that the price/quality ratio at this restaurant is quite poor. Many customers were dissatisfied with the quality of the food and service, especially considering the high prices.
  • Seafood Menu

    - this menu was purchased on Groupon and was found to be satisfying by the customers. The food was in line with the price.
  • Groupon Dinner Package

    - for 55€, this package includes a cave tour, dinner for two (trio of appetizers, choice of first course, second course with side dish, a bottle of wine, desserts, coffee, and water). The guide, Mr. Alfio, was highly praised, and the portions were generous.
  • Aperitifs

    - these were described as normal but very plentiful compared to other places. They come with a huge platter and a choice of spritz, wine, or drinks for children.
  • Tagliere

    - for 15€, this dish comes with sandwiches, mini pizzas, potato croquettes, savoury pastries, rice salad etc. All were said to be really good.
  • Starters

    - these were considered good when they don't arrive cold.
  • - the risotto was described as heavenly by one customer.
  • Meat Dishes

    - these were criticized as being terrible, not worth the price of 40€ per person.