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Platti al Gourm.Eat Pizza & Food

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant's price/quality ratio is rated as excellent. The menu formula (starter, first course, and second course) at the price of 25 euros per person is particularly appreciated.
  • - these are truly amazing with refined ingredients such as raisins, pine nuts, artichokes, and pumpkin cream. They are of the highest quality and are made with care and attention.
  • Red Fruit Panna Cotta with Almond Pastry and Savory Biscuit Crumble

    - this delicious dessert comes highly recommended. It is an experience for the palate.
  • - this classic pizza is seasoned with a sprinkling of black olives and excellent raw ham, making it special.
  • Kalabra Pizza

    - this gourmet pizza is garnished with finely chopped hair of red pepper.
  • Pizza Rieti

    - this pizza is simply delicious and comes from an excellent chip shop.
  • Tagliata

    - this dish is very tender, tasty, and cooked to perfection. It's probably the best tagliata ever.
  • Fried Meatballs

    - they are perfect and the best ones ever eaten.
  • Good Red Wine

    - this pairs well with the pizza and the excellent selection of cheeses.
  • Dark and Sweet Beer

    - this beer comes highly recommended by the friendly, helpful, and nice waiters.