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Platti al Terra & Arte Narni - I Taglieri e i Panini di Cesare

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Customers rate the price/quality ratio as fair and honest, with many praising the restaurant for its reasonable prices and exceptional food quality.
  • Gourmet Cutting Board

    - beautiful and abundant, it's a must-try for those who love variety.
  • Homemade Pasta and Soups

    - excellent in taste and quality, these dishes showcase the restaurant's commitment to traditional cooking.
  • Bruschetta with House Oil

    - offered as a complimentary appetizer, this bruschetta is a delicious way to start your meal.
  • Truffle Tortelloni

    - highly recommended by reviewers, this dish is an absolute delight for truffle lovers.
  • Tripe

    - a unique dish that has earned a note of merit from customers.
  • Exquisite Piadina

    - this Italian flatbread is fresh and very tasty.
  • Mixed Umbrian Starter

    - assorted and abundant, this starter comes with a variety of cured meats and cheeses.
  • Strangozzi with Truffles and Lasagna with Carrots, Courgettes and Provola

    - these pasta dishes are highly praised for their unique combinations of flavors.
  • Local Platters (Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian)

    - these platters are a great way to sample a variety of local dishes.
  • Dessert with Goat's Ricotta and Black Cherry

    - an exceptional dessert that perfectly balances sweetness and tartness.
  • Tortelloni with Chianina

    - this tortelloni is creamy and soft, seasoned with truffle flakes.
  • Egg with Truffles, Bacon and Pecorino

    - a delicious second course that combines classic ingredients in a unique way.
  • Chianina Roast Beef with Pickled Vegetables and Ricotta

    - this unique dish is praised for its excellent flavor.
  • - these dishes were a hit among a large group of customers.
  • Vegetarian Tagliere

    - rich, flavorful and colorful, this dish is highly recommended for vegetarians.
  • Ciliegiolo Rosé Wine

    - this wine is a perfect accompaniment to the dishes served.
  • - the coffee at this restaurant is also excellent.

Piatti e bevande a Terra & Arte Narni - I Taglieri e i Panini di Cesare

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

ottima posizione pranzo


che torte zuppa inglese cheesecake panettone pasticceria gelato gelato cantucci dolcetti


vino liquore cordiale sherry sherry secco caffè latte macchiato vietnamese iced tea grappa vino della casa pastis assenzio limonata