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Platti al Gasthof Linde

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as very good. The portions are right and the prices are very good, offering value for money.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream with H and Cream

    - a unique dessert that is hard to find elsewhere.
  • Game Dishes

    - very well-prepared, a must-try for meat lovers.
  • - the salads are super good, with a special mention for the salad dressing.
  • - another fantastic dish that comes highly recommended.
  • VegetableWildTeller

    - a wonderful option for vegetarians.
  • Lunch Menus

    - they offer great value, especially for lunch.
  • Coupe Sirnach

    - it includes a pleasant surprise of banana slices.
  • Château Brand

    - a standout dish that received excellent reviews.
  • Filetspiess

    - another excellently prepared dish worth trying.
  • Glacekarte

    - a super ice cream menu for dessert lovers.