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Platti al Ristorante Garibaldi

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The restaurant offers a great price/quality ratio, with excellent food and a wide selection of wines at fair prices. However, some customers found the prices too high compared to the competition and diversity of the fish inside.
  • Mixed Seafood Fry

    - highly recommended by the staff, it is served with passion and professionalism.
  • - this starter is paired with potato foam and truffle, creating a unique 'sea and mountain' gourmet experience.
  • Shrimp in Batter

    - served on a velvety pumpkin base with fried spaghetti, this dish is highly praised.
  • Gò Risotto

    - a traditional dish from the Venetian lagoon, it is well-prepared and respects tradition without overdoing the creaminess.
  • Spoon Desserts

    - these desserts are served with an excellent virgin Marsala wine.
  • Nelson's Raw Fish

    - this is a must-try dish, prepared with great precision and considered one of the best.
  • Fresh Fried Food

    - made on the spot with fresh oil, these dishes are superb.
  • Paccheri with Tuna and Citron

    - these fantastic pasta dishes are worth trying.
  • Coffee with Rum Truffle and Dry Hazelnut Biscuit

    - a wonderful dessert choice, offering different types of sugar to suit your taste.
  • Scampi Risotto

    - another great dish, served with a wide selection of wines.
  • - highly rated for its quality.
  • Raw Fish Starter

    - this dish is excellently prepared and followed by well-made linguine.
  • Second Fish Dishes

    - these dishes are excellently catered for.
  • Raw Fish Mix

    - this dish is outstanding.

Piatti e bevande a Ristorante Garibaldi