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Platti al Gargotta Gerenzana

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most reviewers agree that the prices at this restaurant are very reasonable, especially considering the quality of the food. They describe the prices as "honest" and the meal as good value.
  • - highly recommended by multiple reviews, with one user stating it's probably the best pizza in Northern Italy.
  • - one reviewer highly recommends the gnocchi, describing it as delicious.
  • Lombard Dishes

    - the restaurant offers typical Lombard dishes, which could be a unique experience for those unfamiliar with this regional cuisine.
  • Arrosticini

    - a type of skewered meat, mentioned positively in one review.
  • Tortelloni

    - another dish recommended in the reviews, likely to be a good choice for pasta lovers.
  • Affettati

    - a selection of cold cuts that was praised for its quality.
  • Pizzoccheri or Polenta Uncia

    - these are traditional Italian dishes that one reviewer was told are excellent at this restaurant.
  • Home Wine

    - the house wine, particularly the red, is described as wonderful and is very reasonably priced.