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Platti al Gasthof Frieden

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as good. They appreciate the great service, the wine selection, and the food quality. However, some guests were surprised by the cost of the children's portions.
  • Pork Schnitzel in Cream Sauce with Butter Noodle

    - this dish is part of the lunch menu and has been described as really tasty.
  • Small Schnitzel Portion

    - a smaller portion of the schnitzel was offered for children. Despite the unexpected price, it was appreciated by the younger guests.
  • Dishes with RAZY SAUCE

    - these dishes are a lot spicier and have been described as very fine & tasty.
  • Specialties during Special Weeks

    - the restaurant offers special dishes during certain weeks. One guest mentioned a memorable experience when they were serving Swedish specialties.
  • Cordon Bleu "Peace"

    - highly praised by one of the guests, this dish seems to be a must-try.
  • Varied Menu

    - the restaurant frequently changes its menu, taking seasonality into account. This ensures that the food offerings never get boring and are worth trying.

Piatti e bevande a Gasthof Frieden

Servizi e caratteristiche del ristorante

takeaway cena buon servizio pranzo


caffè amaro


carne bistecche schnitzel fonduta cordon bleu bistecca succulenta entrecote kama bissara manzo chili minestra panini birnen, Bohnen Und Speck