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Platti al Fermento Vivo - Pizzeria e Ristorante - Molfetta

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent. Although the prices are slightly higher than average, they are justified by the high-quality food and service.
  • - the pizza is highly recommended by most visitors, with exceptional dough that is proved for at least 48 hours. The ingredients used are of high quality and the taste is great, especially the ones under the Author's section.
  • Fish Starters

    - these dishes are cooked in a new way and have received positive reviews from customers.
  • Chocolate Cigar

    - this dessert is considered original and delicious, a must-try for chocolate lovers.
  • Chocolate Panna Cotta

    - despite being a bit runny, this homemade dessert is still good and worth trying.
  • First Course

    - although no specific dishes were mentioned, the well-studied menu makes visitors want to try the first course offerings.

Piatti e bevande a Fermento Vivo - Pizzeria e Ristorante - Molfetta