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Platti al Farine - Pizzeria Messina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Despite some complaints about high prices and long waiting times, most reviewers seem to agree that the price/quality ratio of this restaurant is generally good. However, the restaurant is not suitable for people with celiac disease as it doesn't offer any gluten-free dishes.
  • - classic, 5 cereals, and ancient flours. The pizza "Dama" is specifically recommended.
  • - one reviewer noted that all elements of the mixed grill were very good.
  • - these Italian pastries were noted as tasty in one of the reviews.
  • - there's a wide choice of food including sandwiches. Specifics weren't mentioned but they were part of an overall positive review.
  • - salads are also part of the diverse menu, though no specific salad was highlighted.
  • - the beer is described as high quality and comes from the barrel, however, one reviewer thought it was a bit overpriced.