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Platti al Restaurant Eschenberg GmbH

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as more than fair and quite cheap for comparable brunch offers in the Winterthur area.
  • - the meat is very tender and of high quality.
  • Venison Entrecôte with homemade Spaetzli and Seasonal Vegetables

    - the dish was rated as excellent by a customer.
  • Fish Dumplings

    - these were specifically mentioned for being very good.
  • Ciabatta with French Fries

    - this is highly recommended, especially for vegetarians.
  • Lachs in Prosecco Sauce with Oven Vegetables

    - highly recommended by a user, this dish seems to be a unique offering.
  • - one user claimed it to be the best schnitzel they have had in Switzerland.
  • Homemade Panna Cotta

    - this dessert is freshly prepared and garnished with fruit.
  • Brunch Offerings

    - the brunch offerings, including freshly prepared rösti, scrambled eggs, bacon, plaited meat, Birchermüesli, cornflakes, sweet pastries, etc. are very tasty.
  • “Hüt” Lunch Menu

    - the lunch menu is a highlight, especially when it comes with a small starter salad.
  • Desserts

    - the dessert menu has been praised for its unusual creations.
  • Drinks

    - at the end of their meal, the chef offered customers Baileys, Limoncello, and Grappa.