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Platti al Cremeria San Lazzaro

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered excellent, although some find the ice cream slightly expensive for the size. There was also a note about a decrease in quality over the last year.
  • - many reviewers mentioned the excellent quality of the ice cream. It's creamy and one of the best in the area.
  • Cocoa Granita with Cream

    - this dish was specifically pointed out for its delicious taste.
  • Strawberry Granita

    - made with fresh fruit, this is another must-try at the restaurant.
  • - although not much detail was given, a reviewer mentioned that the cakes are good.

Piatti e bevande a Cremeria San Lazzaro