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Platti al Trattoria Corte Fiorina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate that the price/quality ratio of the food at the restaurant is considered average. Some dishes were praised for their value, while others were deemed overly priced.
  • Risotto with Pumpkin Flowers

    - a showstopper dish that is not only beautifully presented but also tastes divine. The pumpkin flowers add a unique twist to the risotto.
  • Tagliate

    - cooked to perfection, this dish is tender, flavorful, and utterly delicious. A must-try for meat lovers.
  • - the fish is served skinless and boneless. Perfect for seafood enthusiasts.
  • Decadent Desserts

    - the creme brulee and cheesecake are heavenly, providing the perfect sweet ending to a meal.
  • Pasta with Lobster

    - highly recommended by visitors, this pasta dish is exceptional.
  • - another dessert worth trying. It's highly praised by customers.
  • Ravioli and Lobster

    - visitors found these dishes delicious and would come back for them.
  • Risotto with Courgette Flowers and Stracciatella

    - this risotto dish is spectacular and highly recommended.