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Platti al Al cantuccio

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated as excellent. The reviewers mention that the prices are reasonable and that they are like ones you can't find anymore, indicating that the restaurant offers great value for money.
  • - the pizza at this restaurant is described as excellent and wonderful, making it a must-try.
  • - this dessert is highly recommended by the reviewers, suggesting it's delicious and well-prepared.
  • Spaghetti with Seafood

    - this dish is praised for its excellent quality and large portion size, indicating it's worth trying.
  • Risotto with Shrimp Cream

    - this risotto is described as extremely delicious. The portion size is also mentioned to be large enough for two people.
  • Adriatic Mixed Fry

    - this dish has been highlighted for its very good taste, making it an interesting option to try.
  • Limoncello and Licorice Digestives

    - these after-dinner drinks are offered complimentary, adding value to the dining experience.
  • Quality Meat or Fish

    - according to one of the reviewers, the restaurant serves high quality meat and fish dishes cooked divinely by the owner's wife.