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Platti al Cantieri Concept Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as excellent. They found the food delicious and the prices very reasonable. The service is also mentioned as friendly and professional, although there were comments about long waiting times. The restaurant also offers a good selection of wines.
  • Squid Ink Pasta

    - the squid ink pasta is exceptional and is described as the best pasta ever tried by a user. It comes with a shrimp on top and is drenched in black liquid, providing a unique twist to the traditional dish.
  • - the sea bass is described as amazing and is something you should definitely try while visiting the restaurant.
  • - this dish is excellent value for money at €10.50. It's a hearty and satisfying option.
  • Vongole Linguine

    - a special mention was made for this dish, indicating it's worth trying.
  • Filet Mignon with Gorgonzola Sauce

    - this dish is described as a tender delight and is highly recommended.
  • Les Cinq Terra White Wine

    - this wine was mentioned as being delightful and pairs well with the dishes.
  • - the portions of prosecco are plentiful and it's a good choice for those who enjoy this type of wine.
  • Children's Dish

    - even though one review mentioned it being served lukewarm, it might be worth considering if dining with children.