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Platti al Trattoria da Camillo

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors find the prices reasonable for the quality and uniqueness of the dishes, though a few find it a bit high.
  • - a must-try for meat lovers, especially with the unique wood fire side.
  • Veronese Cuisine

    - offers a variety of traditional dishes from Verona with some regional extras.
  • Diaphragm Slice with Baked Potatoes and Pumpkin

    - though a bit pricey, it's a unique and tasty dish.
  • Cured Meats with Polenta

    - this excellent dish is a perfect example of the restaurant's quality.
  • - soft and tasty, it's highly recommended by visitors.
  • Pasta with Neapolitan Ragù

    - a delicious homemade dish made with passion and time.
  • Pear with Marsala and Russian Cake

    - an unexpected but delicious dessert combination.
  • Risotto with Amarone

    - a uniquely prepared dish that is highly praised by customers.
  • Beef Steak

    - perfectly cooked and definitely worth trying.
  • Vitello Tonnato and Donkey Steak

    - great dishes that are part of the restaurant's unique offerings.
  • Gelato alla Grappa with "Sbrisolona"

    - a homemade dessert that is highly recommended.
  • Ravioli met Kersen

    - a unique experience, even if you don't understand Dutch.
  • - exceptionally prepared and highly recommended.
  • - the restaurant offers a special selection of wines that are highly appreciated by visitors.