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Platti al Ca' Sagredo Hotel

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, some visitors find the prices to be high, especially for drinks and breakfast. However, others feel that the quality of the food, drinks, and the ambiance justify the cost.
  • Aperol Spritz

    - despite being on the higher end of the price spectrum, the Aperol Spritz is recommended for its quality and the stunning view from the terrace.
  • Sidecar Cocktail

    - this cocktail stands out for being beautifully mixed with high-quality ingredients.
  • White Lady Cocktail

    - similar to the Sidecar, the White Lady is also praised for its quality and preparation.
  • Unspecified Italian Dishes

    - the reviewer mentions having one of the best meals in Italy at this restaurant, praising the service and wine recommendations. However, specific dishes are not mentioned.
  • - even though it's noted that the breakfast could be more substantial for the price, it might still be worth trying based on the overall positive feedback about the food.

Piatti e bevande a Ca' Sagredo Hotel


tiramisù torte


manzo spaghetti pasta filetto americano mozzarella kacamak pollame anatra formaggio completo bistecche carne maiale frutti di mare tonno pasta allo scoglio pasta all'aragosta pesce laing tagliatelle filetto di manzo filetto tartare vitello halibut gamberi cozze spaghetti alle vongole insalate fritto misto calamari ravioli paté terrina spigola stuzzichini