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Platti al Bohem Fiori, Bon Bon Confetteria, Caffè, Bistrot

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
While the food and drinks are highly praised, some reviewers mentioned that the prices are slightly high. However, the unique location and excellent management seem to make up for the cost.
  • - the chocolates at this place are described as "wonderful", suggesting they are a must-try.
  • Aperitif

    - reviewers highly recommend the aperitifs, with one stating it was very good and another praising its romantic setting.
  • - the breakfast, which includes a choice of croissants, coffee or cappuccino, and juice, is also well-regarded.
  • Small Sweetness

    - a dish described as "small sweetness" decorated with ribbons was served for a special occasion, implying it might be worth trying for those celebrating at the restaurant.
  • - the espresso at this place is recommended by a user, making it a good choice for coffee lovers.
  • Wedding Favors and Bouchets

    - for those looking for something unique, the wedding favors and bouchets come highly recommended.

Piatti e bevande a Bohem Fiori, Bon Bon Confetteria, Caffè, Bistrot