
Biscottificio Pitino

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ChiusoApre alle 08:30 domani
€€ Fascia prezzo a persona €9 - €23
Biscottificio Pitino sulla mappa
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Sorda Scicli N. 2, 97015
Modica, Sicilia, Italia
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SPECIAL PASTRY My Dad's hometown of Modica is a beautiful town. It is also the undeclared Mecca of chocolate in Sicily. When I was a young child I was first introduced to a breakfast pastry. I truly loved it. In fact, it was always a gift sent to me from my Sicilian family along with bars of chocolate. Well I received a delivery today of those famous pastries and am enjoying one right now. If you ever go to Modica, these little treats are called 'mpanatigghi'.  As I got older I started researching these little treats. What I uncovered was very surprising. In fact, if I had learned that these delicious little pastries were stuffed with minced meat and chocolate I would have probably never eaten them. But it is too late for me to stop now. They are really good and unique. You will not find them anywhere in the world. When I was little there was only one baker in town that made them. My heart still lies with the original but for some reason everyone in my family can't remember who that person was. All of the local bakers have analyzed this pastry and have come up with there own versions. They are all similar in taste but I don't discriminate. It's a childhood memory that is hard to let go. It is something that I can only find in my Dad's hometown. So on your next trip to Italy, then make your way to Modica to try this unique pastry. The great 20th-century writer Leonardo Sciascia once wrote this about Modica. He said, "Modican chocolate is unparalleled in savor and tasting it is like reaching the ultimate, the absolute. Chocolate produced elsewhere is an adulteration, a corruption of the original." Modica has been making amazing chocolate since the 1500's since the Spanish conquistadors introduced it. They probably never knew the locals were going to mix it with minced meat to create a pastry. Travel is an adventure and it's nice to find hidden gems of food like the 'mpanatigghi' pastry.
ChiusoApre alle 08:30 domani
€€ Fascia prezzo a persona €9 - €23
Biscottificio Pitino sulla mappa
© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Sorda Scicli N. 2, 97015
Modica, Sicilia, Italia
Via Sorda Scicli N. 2, Modica, Sicilia, Italia, 97015
Servizi e caratteristiche
Carte di credito accettate Parcheggio Accessibile in sedia a rotelle
Orari d'apertura
LunedìLun 08:30-13:30
MartedìMar 08:30-13:30
MercoledìMer 08:30-13:30
GiovedìGio 08:30-13:30
VenerdìVen 08:30-13:30
SabatoSab 08:30-13:30
DomenicaDom Chiuso

Piatti deliziosi a Modica

Servizi e caratteristiche dei ristoranti a Modica

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