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Platti al Ristorante Pizzeria Big Ben

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered to be in line with the quality of the product, with one reviewer stating the bill was more than fair considering the number of people served.
  • - many reviews praise the pizza, mentioning that it's delicious and worth the wait. The Capricciosa pizza was specifically mentioned as being very good.
  • Fiorentina Steak

    - this dish is highly recommended by several reviewers, with one stating it's better than what you can find in Tuscany.
  • Mixed Grilled Fish

    - this seafood dish is also highly recommended for its quality and taste.
  • Fresh Fish

    - the fresh fish dishes are praised for their freshness and flavor.
  • Raw Meat

    - the raw meat is mentioned as being served in a sublime way, suggesting it's a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Green Pepper Cut

    - this dish is recommended for its style and high quality.
  • Carbonara Pizza

    - it's suggested as a unique and tasty option to try.
  • Mixed Fried Fish

    - this dish is recommended for its presentation and quality.
  • Merlot Wine

    - one reviewer called it a "cannonade", implying it's exceptional.