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Platti al Bacaro San Michele

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews suggest a mixed opinion on the price/quality ratio. Some reviewers find the prices high, especially for dishes like the Mozzarella in Carrozza, while others seem to think the quality of the food and drinks justifies the cost.
  • Cicchetti

    - these small snacks or side dishes are the stars of this restaurant, frequently praised for their excellent quality and variety. They seem to be a must-try for any visitor.
  • Aperol Spritz

    - many reviewers mention enjoying this classic Italian cocktail at the restaurant. It appears to be a popular choice for both lunchtime and evening visits.
  • Mozzarella in Carrozza with Ham and Anchovy

    - despite one review mentioning too much bread and not enough filling, others found the dish to be super and recommend it.
  • Cod Shot

    - this dish was mentioned positively in a review, making it worth considering.
  • Prosecco and Cabernet Red Wines

    - while one review deemed them as average, the restaurant's wine selection has been praised by other visitors, making it worth exploring.
  • Non-alcoholic Aperitif

    - one reviewer singled out a non-alcoholic aperitif as the only saving grace of their visit, suggesting it might be a good choice for those avoiding alcohol.