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Platti al Babilonia Pub

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of price/quality ratio, the restaurant seems to be well-regarded. Several reviewers mentioned that the prices were low or good, and the food was consistently described as delicious or excellent.
  • - many reviewers praised the pizza at this restaurant, calling it "great" and "delicious". It seems to be a standout dish that is highly recommended.
  • - the sandwiches also come highly recommended. According to the reviews, they are "good" and "crazy", suggesting they might be unusual or particularly flavorful.
  • Desserts

    - one reviewer specifically recommended the desserts, although they didn't specify which ones. It might be worth trying a variety of them to see what you like.
  • Appetizers, First Courses, and Second Courses

    - a reviewer mentioned that all the courses were excellent, from appetizers to main dishes. While they didn't provide specifics, it's clear that the restaurant has a wide range of good food.