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Platti al Azienda Agricola Squilloni

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is rated as excellent by visitors. The food is not only of high quality but also plentiful, and the craft beer is a standout item. The fixed price menu also provides good value for money.
  • Tortelli

    - a popular dish praised for its excellent taste and generous portion size.
  • - another highly recommended dish, perfect for those who enjoy traditional Italian cuisine.
  • - a crowd favorite, known for its crispiness and flavor.
  • - a must-try for meat lovers, it's been praised for its quality and quantity.
  • - this pasta dish is well-loved by visitors for its delicious taste.
  • - a great appetizer, noted for being tasty and plentiful.
  • Home-brewed Craft Beer

    - the highlight of the restaurant, it has been repeatedly praised in reviews.
  • - though there was one mention of it being undercooked, the pizza is generally considered to be very good.
  • Fixed Price Menu

    - for €30, you can enjoy a variety of dishes that are both high in quality and generous in portion.