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Platti al Archestrato di Gela (Palermo)

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally considered high. Some reviewers find the prices slightly excessive, mentioning a €3.50 cover charge and high prices for drinks. However, others feel that the quality of the food justifies the cost.
  • - this simple pizza is highly praised for its exceptional dough and quality ingredients. It is available in two versions - the basic one and the DOP with buffalo mozzarella.
  • Pizza with Buffalo Mozzarella and Cherry Tomatoes

    - this white margherita pizza is noted for its excellent dough and ingredients.
  • Canalotto Pizza

    - this pizza is recommended for its tasty combination of black olives and spicy salami.
  • Local Pizza

    - the local pizza is also mentioned as being delicious.
  • Frying

    - while not specified, a mention of "frying" indicates that the restaurant may offer some fried dishes which are considered exquisite.
  • Various Pizza Flavors

    - reviewers have appreciated trying different flavors of pizza at this restaurant.
  • Red Beer

    - a 0.20 red beer is mentioned alongside a pizza order, suggesting it might be a good pairing.