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Platti al Antica Sosta Dei Cavalli

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of price/quality ratio, the restaurant seems to offer high-quality dishes, but some customers found the portion sizes to be a bit small for the price.
  • - a shared side dish that is a little on the smaller side, but still highly recommended for its quality and taste.
  • - described as exquisite, these appetizers are a must-try for meat lovers.
  • Tagliate di Carne

    - this main course of sliced meat comes highly recommended, especially for larger groups.
  • Battuta di Cavallo

    - a special mention goes to this horse tartare dish, which was highlighted in a birthday dinner review.
  • Maccheroni

    - praise was specifically given to this pasta dish, making it a must-try at the restaurant.
  • House Speciality Salumi

    - the house specialty of cured meats is confirmed to be excellent.